Saturday, September 7, 2013

Genesis 5 - The Geneaology of Adam to Noah


When God created mankind He did so in the likeness of God.
Adam had Seth. Adam lived for 930 years and had numerous children.
Seth had Enosh. Seth lived 912 years and had numerous children.
Enosh had Kenan. Enosh lived 905 years and had numerous children.
Kenan had Mahalalel. Kenan lived 910 years and had numerous children.
Mahalalel had Jared. Mahalalel lived 895 years and had numerous children.
Jared had Enoch. Jared lived 962 years and had numerous children.
Enoch had Methuselah. Enoch lived 365 years, had numerous children, but Enoch walked with God. Because of this God took Enoch away.
Methuselah had Lamech. Methuselah lived 969 years and had numerous children.
Lamech had Noah. Lamech lived 777 years and had numerous children.

Noah was named Noah because "He will comfort us in labor and painful toil caused by the ground the LORD has cursed".

Noah became the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.


1. Adam had a son in "his own likeness" and "his own image". What is the significance of Adam having a son in the same terminology that God had Adam?

2. Why did Enoch get taken away? What did he do differently that warranted that approach?

3. What am I to make of the incredible ages these early men lived to?

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