Monday, September 9, 2013

Genesis 6 - The Story of Noah


Noah was a righteous man with three sons, Shem, Ham & Japheth. The Lord commanded Noah to build an ark and gave him the directions to do so. He decided to destroy the world because it was full of violence and the people of the earth had become corrupted. The Lord instructed Noah to bring on board with him his family and two of every living creature as well as every type of food. The Lord decided to make a covenant with Noah to spare him of this destruction.


How was Noah to bring all of the creatures of the earth into such a small ship?

The covenant that God made with Noah seems to be important, more research should be made into this.

The last verse also seems significant for the story. "Noah did everything just as God commanded him" (Genesis 6:22). This shows the faith that Noah had in God and gives credence to Genesis 6:9 that described Noah as a righteous man, walking faithfully with God.

While, I want to continue my research from as blank of a slate as I possibly can, the story of Noah is one that I have been familiar with for much of my life. It was taught to me early on in Sunday Schools in various forms with various lessons. But, what are we to make of Noah? Is he to be taken as a literal-historical figure? Is the Biblical Flood something to be taken as a real event? Or is he to be taken as an allegory to be understood of the virtues of faith and the consequences of evil and sin? The topic of Noah is a broad one in which much research has been done. In the coming weeks and months I will post more research on Noah before coming to any conclusion, if any conclusion is ever to be reached. In some ways the intellectual pursuit that I am undertaking is an end unto itself.

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